Saturday, March 04, 2017


2017年2月24日到3月1日,第一次去中国。由于时常在淘宝买东西,发觉到很多东西是不能用visa and master 等信用卡或马来西亚网银来付款。其中包括了乐视或优酷视频的vip会员,还有双11时预售商品也不能买。所以要用到中国内地的银行户头来绑定支付宝才能买。而绑定支付宝是需要实名认证的,所以必须亲自到中国


在热心的亲戚带领下,去到了广东揭阳普宁市的市区去找电话店。普通私人的电话店只能接受中国的身份证来办理电话卡,辗转了几件间营业厅,去到了中国移动(china mobile)的普宁市分行营业厅

中国移动已经没有预付配套了,最便宜的后付是人民币38元,而且要漫游需要预付1000元。对于我来说,其他什么中国国内的通话和流量都没有用。因为我只要一个中国号码可以让我在马来西亚接受中国简讯。要我付那么多钱不值得。所以马上离开。亲切的客服还告诉我们,哪里有中国联通 (China unicom)的大营业厅。


其实来中国之前有做了一些功课,知道联通有一个配套是50元启用配套,1元500MB 流量。可是那个配套没有货,就买了如意惠民卡配套,70元,内置50元话费。登记时用护照,还要拿着护照拍照“留念”做实名认证。这个配套最适合我这些只有漫游的人。自动有漫游,每个月只是收6元的来电显示费及赠送没有什么用的炫铃 (caller ringtone). 更加好的是在启用48小时内,无论充值多少次就送同等的话费,充50送50,充100送100.配套是便宜,可是电话费和网费超贵。这就不多说了。值得一提的是,中国的话费时没有时限的(validity). 充值了后就任由它扣月费。因为中国的电讯公司除了分省公司,也分市公司。我的号码是揭阳的,要到汕头或广州的营业厅是查不到我的电话资料

搞了半天,终于办好就去找银行。因为那天是星期六,很多银行没开。即使开的也是代理办事处,不能开户,要到分行只(branch)或支行(sub branch) 才能开。中国的银行星期六有些分行是有开门的,开放个个人业务。

星期一一早,就到汕头市金平区长平路的中国银行 (bank of China) . 排队等了,做到一半,看到我的签证是 L 旅游签证,不给我开户。

我就到隔壁的交通银行(communication bank),告诉他们要办卡和开网银,给他们护照,然后填上表格,包括中国的手机号码,中国的地址,地址我用我亲戚的。开户时扫描我的护照,系统发送了好几个验证码,输入在柜台前的机器进行验证。

有了银行卡,马上输入支付宝进行绑定。 绑定时,拍下护照,签证和入境证明(盖章)

一切顺利, 终于完成我的中国行的任务。

过后,在餐厅试用支付宝,手机扫一扫对方的“收银机”,我输入支付码或指纹辨识, 交易成功。钱直接从我的银行扣除。银行也发送简讯告诉我交易数额及剩余款项。




最后还有,昨天我的朋友在建设银行(china construction bank) 也顺利的开到户口。同样是旅游签证。而他也去过一些银行要他出示商务签证或工作准证的


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Betong, thailand trip 4/10/2008

This hari raya holiday went to the most south city in thailand--- betong
75KM from Sungai Petani, kedah.
From sungai petani town, follow BALING road sign (route 76), when reach BALING town follow PENGKALN HULU road sign.
after 15KM if u see BETONG road sign, follow it, no need to go into PENGKALAN HULU town.

I park my car at the car park before Malaysia Immigrasion(less than 1KM from the gate). RM 4.00 per day very economy.

Have malaysia taxi approach us, ask for RM10.00 per taxi. donno anything ma, then pay lo. mana tau just drive us until thailand side immigresion only.

after fill in white card ( have thai malay lady fill the card for u, pay RM2.00), then chop my passport.

go to take border taxi to town ( bigger side tuk tuk) RM20.00.

about 10 minutes drive reach the town .

Centre of Betong, clock tower. The tuk tuk drop us here.
Then have 1 driver aproach us offer his service to bring us to 3 place and at our paste.
After bargain RM80.00 deal.
The at least 15 years old toyota, no air-con... hot!!!
The Entrance of the ex- Malaya Communist village 第一友誼村。
the famous tunnel is located here. Piyamit tunnel

Piyamit Tunnel, built 1977, used only 3 months time, 50 workers.
1KM long, 5-6 feet high, 50-60 meter underground, above is jungle. 6 exit
Inside there very fresh and cold, The entrance fee is RM5.00, for the maintanance of the tunnel and lighting facility.

Me, the only guy
Yvonne, My dear Hooi Ing, Ah Ann, Lee yen. 5 of us went there

This is Ban Piyamit 1. 第一友誼村
a very pretty valley, surrounding with rubber tree.

on the way to Ban Piyamit 1, have a few pagoda, have 十二生肖
The tallest and biggest Postal Box in world. The sign of betong town.
Your lunch at the most famous restaurant Tajern 大人餐館。
the famous white chicken, very skinny
457 Bath, = RM47.00
The temple on the top of the hill facing betong town, very new temple.
inside there is made from granite
looked like the 2nd big buddha after hong kong 1.
